上海外滩悦榕庄携手Morning LAB开启全新江畔城市露营季

Lets go glamping together!




上海外滩悦榕庄携手Morning LAB将各式露营装备搬运至TOPS屋顶露台,让陆家嘴美景和露营相结合,给您带来全新城市精致露营体验!上海外滩悦榕庄全新推出三款江畔露营美食套餐,江畔露营下午茶、江畔露天电影套餐以及江畔生蚝香槟套餐。上海外滩悦榕庄将浦江两岸美景、美食、电影与露营相结合,重新诠释城市精致露营体验!





悦榕江畔露营下午茶 788元:邀三五好友一起登上TOPS屋顶露台,在露营氛围感的场景中分享一整个巴斯克芝士蛋糕,给芝士爱好者带来绝对满足感!另外更有多款精致甜品及咸点:抹茶巧克力甜心慕斯、青提香草费南雪、开心果拿破仑苏、乡村风味火鸡胸三明治、烟熏三文鱼三明治,玉桂苹果丹麦包等。还有下午茶不能缺少的经典原味司康及巧克力司康配香缇奶油和黑樱桃酱,新鲜健康的蜂蜜燕麦酸奶碗及露营限定饮料。




悦榕露天电影套餐 688元:当夜幕降临,在黄浦江畔的帐篷中感受夏风吹拂,欣赏绚丽的陆家嘴夜景,与最爱的人们一起看一场露天电影吧!套餐包含一整瓶夏桐粉红起泡酒,举杯共庆欢乐时光,更有唐扬鱿鱼须、卡真风味薯条、香酥炸鸡翅、甜蜜爆米花、时令水果盘等多种聚会必备小食。




悦榕江畔生蚝起泡酒套餐 658元或958元:用生蚝搭配起泡酒,点亮夏日露营季的美妙心情!一起分享汁水丰富的鲜明生蚝,浅啜杯中的起泡酒,仿佛置身于海边度假。





敬请致电+86 21 2509 1188



+86 21 2509 1188



Start the new bund glamping season with Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund & Morning LAB

Lets go glamping together!


Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund cooperates with Morning LAB and transports all kinds of camping equipment to TOPS Bar & Lounge. Combine the urban scenery with glamping and bring you a new urban glamping experience! Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund has launched three new glamping packages: Bund Glamping Seasonal Afternoon Tea, Banyan Tree Movie Snack and Bund View Moët Chandon & Oysters Set.


– Bund Glamping Seasonal Afternoon Tea Package – CNY 788: Invite a few friends to TOPS Bar & Lounge and share a Basque cheesecake in the cozy glamping vibe, bringing absolute satisfaction to cheese lovers! In addition, there are a variety of exquisite desserts and savories: Matcha Chocolate Mousse, Green Grape Vanilla Financier, Pistachio Napoleon Cake, Turkey Breast Sandwich, Smoked Salmon Sandwich, and Cinnamon Apple Danish Bread. You could also enjoy Freshly Baked Scones with Fragrant Cream and Dark Cherry Jam. Fresh and healthy Yogurt Bowl with Honey Oatmeal and glamping limited drinks are also good for summer days.


– Banyan Tree Movie Snack Package – CNY 688: When the night comes, feel the summer wind blowing in the tent, enjoy the gorgeous night scenery of Lujiazui and watch an outdoor movie with your friends! This set includes a bottle of Domaine Chandon Brut Rose to celebrate the happy gathering, as well as Fried Calamari with Smoked Paprika Mayo, Cajun Spiced French Fries, Crispy Chicken Wing, Sweet Popcorn, Seasonal Fruit platter and other party essentials.


– Bund View Oysters & Sparkling Wine Package – CNY 658 or CNY 988: Brighten up the summer camping season with the perfect combination of oysters and sparkling! Share vivid oysters together, making your bund glamping moments more memorable.


For more information and reservations please call +86 21 2509 1188


Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund

+86 21 2509 1188


Address: No. 19, Gongping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai




Editor: Charles        Date: 2023.6.9